Les villes martyres pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale

Camp de concentration Haidari (1943-1944)

A l’occasion du 70 ème anniversaire de l’exécution de plusieurs résistants à la caserne d’Haïdari en 1944, la ville jumelée avec Villeneuve d’Ascq  a organisé un colloque, en plusieurs temps,  avec les représentants de plusieurs villes - martyres en Europe de décembre  2013 au 31 mars 2014. Ce colloque européen, baptisé « Espoir II » (Elpida ou Hope II) a pu se faire dans le cadre du projet européen « Europe for Citizens ».



The project «HOPE II - The Story of Europe Remembrance and theCircle of European Friends who Resisted Hitler» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme

"Europe for Citizens".

Applicable to Action 4 – "Active European Rememberance"


Four (4) events have been carried out within this project attended by: local citizens, international,guests, unions of citizens, associations of survivors from Greek martyr cities and at European level,representatives of resistance foundations, federations, museums, universities, municipalities and NGOs,educators, historians, academics, journalists, writers, people of Culture, Art and Letters, migrant studentsand their migratory communities and other stakeholders.


Event 1: a broad round table – intercultural dialogue platform




The event involved 103 citizens, including 2 participants from the city of Vienna (Austria),2 participants from the cities of Berlin (1) and Hamburg (1), (Germany), 3 participants from the cities ofTirana (1) and Gjirokast (2), (Albania), 6 participants from the cities of Paris (2) and the martyr Villeneuved’ Ascq (4), (France), 5 participants from the city of London (United Kingdom), 4 participants from the cityof Bucharest (Romania), 7 participants from the cities of Balzan (3) and Mosta (4), (Malta), 4 participantsfrom the city of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 70 national participants from the city of Haidari (Greece).


Location / Dates:


The event took place in the City Hall, City Council Chamber (the first 4 days) as well as inthe Melina Merkouri Hall, Cultural Center “Palataki” (Haidari, Greece), from 09/12/2013 to 13/12/2013.


Short description:


The aim of the event was :

Narrations - Dialogues - Recording the actual testimonies of detainees who survived from massdeportations, concentration camps and other large-scale martyrdom and extermination sites of Nazism, veterans’ descendants and members of resistance organizations at national and European level.

Presentations – Describing the great resistance events and Holocausts in martyr cities in Greece and in Europe.

Highlight the role and contribution of national and European resistance to the consolidation of peace, independence and democracy in Europe as well as in the establishment and further promotion of fundamental human and pacifist ideals all over the world.


Main topics developed:

1. The dark side of European history and the breaches of the fundamental principles such as freedom, democracy and respect for human rights caused by Nazism in German-occupied Europe

2. Preservation the memory of the victims among the generations Επιμέρους.



a) The chronicle of national and European resistance under the participation of academics, researchers, writers, journalists, historians and artists

b) Fights in urban cities, mountains and islands under the participation of detainees who survived, descendants and members of resistance organizations at national and European level

c) Youth and Women in resistance

d) Art and Press in resistance

e) The stable Greek claim for German compensations – analyzing and justifying


Event 2 : a broad round table – intercultural dialogue platform




The event involved 72 citizens, including 3 participants from the city of Lisboa (Portugal), 5 participants from the cities of Gernika-Lumo (1) and Valencia (4) (Spain), 2 participants from the city of Stockholm (Sweden), 12 participants from the city of Rome (Italy), 50 national participants from the city of Haidari (Greece).


Location / Dates:


The event took place in the City Hall, City Council Chamber (the first 2 days) as well as in the Amphitheater of the City Hall (Haidari, Greece), from 20/01/2014 to 24/01/2014.


Short description:


The aim of the event was :

Discussions with students and young people 6-18 years old about:

The chronicle of national and European resistance during the German occupation

The struggles in the cities and fights in the mountains and islands

The role of youth and women in the resistance to Nazism

The role of Art and the Press in national and European resistance

The need for keeping alive the memory of victims within generations

Emphasis, awareness and sensitization of youngsters to not be allowed in the future the breaches of values such as peace, freedom, democracy and respect for human beings though activation and participation in common and decision-making processes – the sense of active European citizen.


Event 3: a broad round table – intercultural dialogue platform




The event involved 86 citizens, including 6 participants from the cities of Barcelona (5) and Gernika-Lumo (1), (Spain), 2 participants from the city of Vienna (Austria), 9 participants from the city of Lisbon (Portugal), 9 participants from the city of Dublin (Ireland), 60 national participants from the city of Haidari (Greece).


Location / Dates:


The event took place in the City Hall, City Council Chamber (the first 2 days) as well as in the Amphitheater of the City Hall (Haidari, Greece), from 03/02/2014 to 07/02/2014.


Short description:


The aim of the event was :

Discussions with students and young people 6-18 years old, as well as with migrant children and members of migratory communities about:

The chronicle of national and European resistance during the German occupation

The struggles in the cities and fights in the mountains and islands

The role of youth and women in the resistance to Nazism

The role of Art and the Press in national and European resistance

The need for strengthening the existing knowledge associated with the mass deportations, the former concentration camps and other large-scale martyrdom, the holocausts and extermination sites of Nazism

Emphasis to the preservation the memory of the past among all the residents in Europe in relation to historical and horrific events of Nazi occupation.


Event 4 : Conference




The event involved 193 citizens, including 22 participants from the cities of Bad Arolsen (1), Bremen (11) and Berlin (1), (Germany), 38 participants from the cities of Varna, Dobrich, Nesebur, Burgas,, Stara Zagora and Gabrovo (Bulgaria), 133 national participants from the city of Haidari (Greece).


Location / Dates:


The event took place in the City Hall, City Council Chamber (Haidari, Greece), on 14/02/2014.


Short description:


The aim of the event was :

The dark side of European history and the breaches of the fundamental values and principles of freedom, peace, democracy, social justice and human rights caused by Nazism.

The need to motivate the inhabitants in Europe for action in order to the democracy, freedom and respect to human rights can not to be threatened again – The sense of common identity and shared active citizenship among Europeans.


The clause: "Today, more than ever we must remember" in the framework of HOPE II. The objective of Europe for Citizens program and the results of HOPE I: The History of the Origins of the Past of Europe


Emphasis to dissemination of the results and HOPE message of the program throughout the Europe as well as to networking of martyr European cities in order to maximize the European dimension of these sort of activities and their added value between the member-states.